
Andréa Miller

What was the experience of your 1st Baptiste class?

I actually do not remember my first Baptiste class. For over a decade, I lived in small or remote mountain and seaside towns, with no studios to speak of. During my travels, I carried a copy of Baron’s Personal Revolution with me, like some sort of grounding compass. Now falling apart from use, it has always just been there, as something I have continually carried with me and returned to. As our internal compass often brings us in alignment… I moved to Stonington and opened my business right next to a Baptiste Studio. It just kept showing up. As did I. Now it has become infused in my life… I have a hard time recalling the first time it appeared, or the time before it existed as a part of what I do…

Why do you Practice Baptiste Yoga?

The simple answer: It. Is. Medicine.

Why do you teach Baptiste Yoga?

As Emily Dickinson eloquently wrote:

“If I can stop one heart from breaking,

I shall not live in vain;

If I can ease one life the aching, or cool one pain…

...I shall not live in vain.”  

This is why I teach yoga.

My promise (What do you commit to deliver through your teaching/service at BPYG?)

My promise is to be virtuous in my service to myself, to this ancient wisdom and to the community at BPYG. The virtue I value the most is compassion. At times I may be passionate and motivating in my words…but I will always deliver the teachings with a fierce compassion. 

Share your current favorite Quote

You can be deeply certain, 

and slightly doubtful.

You can be scared,

and really, really ready.

~ Danielle LaPorte

The great wisdom of life is to realize that we can be the masters of the things that try to enslave us.

~ Paulo Coelho