

What was the experience of your 1st Baptiste class?


Why do you Practice Baptiste Yoga?

As a life long athlete, the the physical practice of BY just fit for me and made sense. The sequencing, the rhythm, the physicality - is all brilliant. That hooked me. That’s not why I stayed though. This practice has saved my life, in more ways than one. It has taught me to be true to who I am. It has taught me to stay and it has taught me to go. It has taught me to trust myself, it has taught me to live and love in a more authentic way. It has taught me to be me. Flaws and all.

Why do you teach Baptiste Yoga?


My promise (What do you commit to deliver through your teaching/service at BPYG?)

I commit to showing up and teaching from a true and authentic place - no matter what.

Share your current favorite Quote(s)

“True Belonging doesn’t require that we change who we are; it requires that we be who we are” Brene Brown

”Freedom is on the other side of fear”